Today I made a video for teenagers. The theme: Rejection.
Every time I think about this subject, my heart is saddened. It seems to me that Satan attacks especially in this area.
How many adults we often meet, with deep wounds of rejection, that they bring from childhood or adolescence… It is physical and emotional abuse that not infrequently paralyzes, marks and affects their whole life!
How many teenagers we have the opportunity to see every day and sadly observe that they feel rejected, without value or purpose in their lives! This reminds me of some young people who had everything to feel rejected and discouraged in the face of circumstances.
Think of David. His own father didn’t remember him when the prophet asked him to gather his sons together to anoint the future king! And later, David’s brothers also make it very clear that they saw him as someone meddlesome and unnecessary in the war scenario that threatened everyone’s safety. No one had any hope or expectation in that little boy… no one “human,” so to speak. Because God had plans for that little red-headed boy whose existence his own father had forgotten!
And what about Joseph? Sold into slavery by his own brothers! Joseph could have given up loving God, since he found himself for many years in a chaotic situation worthy of a guilty man, which he was far from being! In the same way, Daniel, who was separated from his parents by Nebuchadnezzar… Or Esther, maybe Mary… Think of the countless young people who were challenged by unfavorable circumstances, but who did not cling to this and overcame all the obstacles that life presented to them!
These young people, all of them, remained faithful to God! The family might have been against, the circumstances might not have been in favor, the society, the culture, the time, the government… It didn’t matter! They remained faithful to God and believing in the Lord’s plans for their lives!
We are all faced with the same choices: Cling to the past and the wounds caused, or put our faith in God and believe that through Jesus Christ, He can heal any trauma, wound or resentment!
And if you are not an adult in need of healing, look around! I’m sure you’ll see many teenagers in need of a shoulder to cry on and a word of hope! Satan has been playing hardball against children and young people. So how about getting into this war, take a stand and fight to rescue lives that are being dragged to hell?!
The enemy can use the past, other people, traumas, wounds of rejection, abandonment and abuse to stop someone. But God is a God who does not fail! Everything in the hands of the One who created us is possible to be healed, restored, and used for the Glory of the Lord in a wonderful way!
Let God work in your favor! Believe! Trust and move forward!
#rosilenimansano #umolharnaeternidadeo